Modern Walkable Communities
The mind-set of the modern home buyer has shifted. People aren’t satisfied with isolated subdivisions and a car-dependent lifestyle. Home buyers in the 21st century want smart homes in communities with great mobility choices–from streetcars to shared cars. They seek public spaces that encourage neighborly relationships and that reflect the inherent optimism of good design. They want their community to share a commitment to great schools, safe parks, and healthy, sustainable living options.
Long Haul Capital Group was formed to harness long-term capital and meet demand for this new iteration of the American Dream.
For investors seeking sustainable, long-term growth, there is no better opportunity.
Smart Growth Mortgages™
Smart Growth Mortgages are a mortgage innovation. Long Haul Capital Group recognizes that, when families spend less on transportation and energy, they have more income to put toward a home. So we created the Smart Growth Mortgage so home buyers can afford homes that give them the lifestyle they want and reduce their risk of default.
With Smart Growth Mortgages, we can deliver on increasing demand and improve confidence for buyers.
Intra-City Rail
Intra-City rail (street cars and light rail) are key to creating modern, walkable communities. When neighborhoods and communities are connected by rail, the cost and environmental impact of transportation decrease significantly.
Powered by renewable electricity, intra-city rail solutions offer convenient and clean mobility for residents, and create many new opportunities for developers.
District Infrastructure
As we meet this increasing demand for walkable communities, we will support developers in providing sustainable energy, water, and connectivity services through standardized developer financing.
Standardized financing allows new communities to use shared, district-scale infrastructure to provide best-in-class sustainability at an affordable price.
Patrick is cofounder of Long Haul Capital Group. Early in his career, he spent 12 years in the Middle East, Africa, the Balkans, and the Caucuses working at the intersection of conflict and economic development. As deputy director of the National Security Studies Program at the New America Foundation, he partnered with Colonel Mark Mykleby (USMC–Ret.) to develop a white paper on U.S. Grand Strategy prepared for the White House. He was founding codirector of the Strategic Innovation Lab at Case Western Reserve University and coauthor of The New Grand Strategy: Restoring America’s Prosperity, Security and Sustainability in the 21st Century.
Mark is cofounder of Long Haul Capital Group. From 1987 to 2011, he was a career Marine Corps officer, serving as an F/A-18 pilot, a strategic planner for U.S. Special Operations Command, and as a special strategic assistant to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. After retiring as a colonel in August 2011, he joined the New America Foundation as a senior fellow. In September 2014, he helped found and co-directed the Strategic Innovation Lab at Case Western Reserve University where he coauthored The New Grand Strategy: Restoring America’s Prosperity, Security and Sustainability in the 21st Century.
Sara brings more than 30 years of marketing experience to Long Haul Capital Group. Prior to joining the team in May, 2016 she served as general manager and partnership marketing consultant at Gilco Sports and Entertainment Marketing. Her earlier experiences include serving as the director of private sector engagement at the World Wildlife Fund and director of marketing at the Denver Broncos.
Michael comes to Long Haul Capital Group with a background in financial services, sustainable building, and public policy. Prior to joining Long Haul Capital Group, Michael created a series of development, investment, and finance vehicles, including Coventry Land and the nonprofit Tax Abatement Monetization Program. For nearly 20 years, Michael worked in commercial and investment banking predominantly focused on commercial real estate.
Martin is an entrepreneur who specializes in enabling and fostering innovative public-private partnerships to emerge and flourish. Before joining Long Haul Capital Group, Martin pioneered the practice of collaborative, community- and regional-scale sustainable development in the U.S. Pacific Northwest and several Latin American countries. In addition, Martin has engaged in a number of for- and non-profit start-ups in the fields of corporate governance, capital raising and impact investment, environmental technology, smart cities and communities, and the circular/sharing economy.
OMSI Announces Master Developer: Gerding Edlen Selected to Lead the Development of OMSI's Property, Oregon Museum of Science and Industry, July 2018
Retired Marine Urges Others to Live Sustainably and Think Outside the Box, The Auburn Plainsman, February 2018
Who is Leading the Smart City Revolution? Renewable Energy News, September 2017
This Road Map for the Future has its Roots in the Pentagon, The News & Observer, August 2017
Transit Hubs, a Growing Lure for Developers, New York Times, May 2017
Consumers Want Green, Sustainable Homes, Survey Shows, Florida Weekly, May 2017
Why Nobody will Own a Car in 15 Years, Business Insider, May 2017
The American Dream of Suburbia is Evolving – Here's What It'll be Like to Live in the Suburb of the Future, Business Insider, March 2017
Why Long-Term Investors are Killing Fossil Fuels, Brink News, January 2017
The Case for a Strategic Impact Enterprise, Brink News, January 2017
The U.S. Economy’s Achilles Heel, Brink News, December 2016
Mass Transit Won Big on Election Day, Citylab, November 2016
Walkability Tied to Real Estate Growth, NextCity, June 2016
Americans Want More Walkable Neighborhoods, Huffington Post, November 2015
How Walkable Communities are Good for Us, Huffington Post, December 2014
To learn more about investing with Long Haul Capital Group
email: info@longhaulcapital.com
phone: 216.352.1240